Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown


Weight: 160 lbs

Shirt: S/M

Dress Shirt:

Pants: 30×30

Shoe: 10

Pronouns: He/Him


Heightened Supporting Dir. Sara Friedman
Dollhouse Supporting Broad Brothers Productions
Tinder Lead Broad Brothers Productions


Lady Susan Reginald de Courcy The Good Theater
A Raisin in the Sun Mover Syracuse Stage
Once in a Lifetime Vail/Jerry Syracuse Stage
As You Like It Orlando/Oliver Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Anon(ymous) Anon McAneny Theater


Scene Study Gerardine Clark, Victor Lazlo, Thom Miller, Globe Theatre, Stan Cahill
Voice Celia Madoy, Holly Thuma (Linklater technique) Movement Steven Cross
Improvisation Baby Wants Candy, McCarter Theater
Script Writing Upright Citizens Brigade, McCarter Theater

Special Skills

Dialects: New York, Southern, Mid-West, British, Jamaican, French, Nigerian

Fighting: Fencing, Stage Combat

Additional: Singing, Beat boxing, Rapping, Piano, Football, Basketball

Valid Passport through 2024

Reels / Video